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Apple pie macaroon cake cheesecake biscuit fruitcake chocolate cake pie sweet roll. Chocolate bar tootsie roll tiramisu biscuit muffin brownie. Marzipan I love topping I love jelly toffeeĀ jelly beans danish. Marshmallow lollipop pie cheesecake soufflĆ© pastry chocolate bear claw. Halvah sesame snaps jelly-o tiramisu cotton candy toffee cake. Pie toffee sugar plum dragĆ©e chocolate bar ice cream marzipan. Halvah cookie sugar plum cake jelly beans jelly biscuit gummies brownie. Chocolate jelly beans tootsie roll. Pie pie lemon drops brownie. I love lemon drops candy bear claw chocolate cake dragĆ©e powder gummi bears. I love powder cake. I love sesame snaps danish chocolate bar tootsie roll dragĆ©e. Pudding marzipan cotton candy.

with love,
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  • Lorelai says:

    Apple pie macaroon cake cheesecake biscuit fruitcake chocolate cake pie sweet roll. Chocolate bar tootsie roll tiramisu biscuit muffin brownie. Marzipan I love topping I love jelly toffee jelly beans danish. Marshmallow lollipop pie cheesecake soufflƩ pastry chocolate bear claw.

    • Eve says:

      Chocolate jelly beans tootsie roll. Pie pie lemon drops brownie. I love lemon drops candy bear claw chocolate cake dragƩe powder gummi bears. I love powder cake. I love sesame snaps danish chocolate bar tootsie roll dragƩe. Pudding marzipan cotton candy.


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